Logo / Business Card / Social Media
Strategic Coaching with Debbie Hall
I loved working with Debbie Hall on her visual identity project. She needed a logo, a Facebook cover photo, and business cards.
Debbie Hall is a Robbins-Madanes Certified Strategic Coach whose mission is to guide and empower clients who are primarily struggling with physical health challenges ranging from wellness to chronic pain conditions.
FB Cover Photo
Business Card
Vector Illustration
Health & Wellness

Logo Concept
The resulting logo came from a lot of brainstorming sessions. We were looking for something that embodied the qualities of empowerment, transformation, and freedom to thrive.
I learned a lot about conditions such as CRPS /RSD and chronic illness, and weight loss. The pain or CRPS/RSD is an unbearable icy-hot combination. While the symbolism of a butterfly is easy to understand, being able to live while suffering – is truly another level of transformation. We talked about how living with certain conditions is very socially isolating which also affects one’s mental health and relationships.
This got me thinking about fire in general. That feeling of being around a campfire with good friends, watching the beautiful embers dance freely in the dark sky. It’s mesmerizing and is also life-giving in terms of heat, cooking food, and relationship building. It can also be dangerous and burn everything up around it. If left untended it can grow out of control, or fizzle out. Balance is required, just as in life. Adding the wrong elements to a fire can result in noxious smoke, pushing everyone away from it (isolation.) Fire brings light to the darkness; bringing people together in a warm, community-filled environment. Transformation and thriving are encouraged through the community as well as a balance of body, mind, and spirit. The logo embraces the juxtaposition of pain and beauty and is expressed in ultimate transformation and freedom to really live and thrive.
I drew on the iPad using Procreate first to create a freeform sketch. From there I recreated it into vector artwork so that she will have a proper scaleable file. (When I work with clients who already have logos, I am SHOCKED how many of them were not provided with a vector file for their logos!! Major pet peeve of mine. If you are a business owner, and all you have is a PNG or worse… a JPEG – your needs haven’t been taken care of properly.)
I highly recommend Karen Dahlquist as a graphic designer. Her creative process goes very deep into what you are doing and what you want to get across to your clients. Karen’s thought process and everything she does is intentional and well thought through.
Our conversations discussed what I wanted to do for my clients and where they could go.
Karen as an artist goes through a whole process from hand drawing first to get a feel for what you are looking for and what she is looking for, to going to the computer and doing graphic designing. She expresses herself in art and understood what I want my clients to experience working with me.
She created a beautiful logo for me that embodies my client perfectly!

Business Card front and back featuring a QR code to Debbie’s Calendly link

Facebook Cover Photo
If you or someone you know is struggling with a chronic condition and wants to live life well again, please reach out to her. She’s amazing.