Sealey Business Brokers

A pool route broker was sending out a 2-sided, 7×5 full color postcard to their mailing list and hired me to figure out what to say, and design it.

If you’re looking to buy or sell a pool route, check out





postcard design © happyfish - Karen Dahlquist - graphic designer


The idea behind this postcard was to represent the commonality of the pool industry regardless of what neighborhood, market, residential, or commercial type route – the clear, blue water. Also, I used the existing logo and its color theme in the postcard throughout as well. I mirrored the curves in the logo to bring in movement to the postcard. Since they are brokers, this is more about the route itself – then the pool style. Those in the business may sell part, or all, of their route to retire early or gain capital for the business. While others might be wanting to get into the business and buy an existing route. Therefore, I emphasized the idea of connectedness throughout the route for potential sale transfers through Sealey Business Brokers. The feeling was to be a positive one and not get into a deep philosophy about a personal ‘why I want to sell my hard earned route now’ type question.

I knew NOTHING about this business when I started this project, so this was really fun to jump in (pardon the pun) and work with them.