Visual Identity / Marketing / Social Media
little bakery
American ex-pat Christina Little had a two-fold dream: 1) to have more face-to-face connection and hospitality in her community and 2) to recreate her favorite childhood treats that she could not find in Australia.
She LOVES people and she also LOVES to bake. She is a mental health professional who works with clients all over the world – virtually. She desired to get out from the computer and spread kindness and joy to those around her each week. Their last name is “Little”, but their in-home bakery is also little! She and her husband Darren purposely wanted to keep this a micro-business with a limited weekly changing menu and orders delivered once a week. Their business is wildly successful, but more importantly, she is expressing her vibrant personality in her baking and spreading so much JOY to the community.

Hand-drawn logo vector
Business cards
Social Media Graphics
Tissue Paper
Car Magnets and decals

Social Media Header and Profile

Social Media Profile and Stickers on her products

Deliveries are personally made by Darren and Christina each week, so it was obviously important for them to have custom logo shirts!

Business Cards

Hand-drawn repeat pattern design for use on wrapping papers, bags, and tissue.

Stickers for packaging showing the logo and the extra happy little baker drawing – that IS Christina. Car decal and a magnet for the door for deliveries.
Provided by Client
Christina’s favorite colors are hot pink and orange! She’s bubbly and friendly and brimming with energy!
I already had an established design relationship with Christina for her main business in the mental health space. I know that she values authenticity, friendliness, and joy. We had a long video call to talk about her inspiration for wanting to create this second business.
Fond memories and nostalgia plays a big part in a person’s life – let alone when they marry and move to a different country. I know this first-hand myself as being a Canadian living in America. We miss certain tastes and smells. The second we are faced with something from home… we are transported back to our previous life. It’s a beautiful gift! Her clients are not all ex-pat Americans in Australia. Many of her customers just really appreciate YUMMY treats and a visit and hug from their favorite baker!
I sketched and explored a variety of ideas springing from our conversation. I presented a whimsical, hand-drawn style and compared a red, white, and blue color palette and symbols to represent the commonalities of the US and Australian flags – stars, colors and stripes. Ultimately, she realized that while her desserts are American, she didn’t want to limit her branding to being clearly American – being that she is living in Australia and many of her customers won’t have ties to America. So we ditched that and moved forward with the whimsical little bakery-happy baker motifs! I wanted to show her love for baking for for people, so explored various ways to incorporate that ‘secret ingredient’ into her branding. She loves retro and bright household appliances and accessories, so we went with the vintage mixer with the heart coming out from within, the ‘poof’ that comes out whilst mixing.