KDP Book Cover Design
Book Cover Design for Melissa “Honey Bee” Baker
Writing “Conscious Adulting In the Digital Age” was a life mission for Melissa “Honey Bee” Baker. I was honored to come alongside her to design the cover of her book for hard cover, soft cover, and ebook. By the time we met, her book interior was already almost finished. I was inspired by the idea of the balance of the ‘real world vs. the digital world’ in which we are constantly moving between. The table is like a ‘frame’ to our consciousness. We aren’t getting rid of technology, so we need to remember, or learn for the first time, how to balance our lives with it.
Book Cover Design
Hard Cover Case Laminate
Health & Wellness

The inspiration of the cover came from the juxtaposition of the digital world with our reality. We’re looking for peace and balance in our hectic and distracted lives. The simple color of the peaceful blue sky contrasts with the stark black background. I hand drew in vector the ‘apps’ that show the areas that she talks about the inside of the book for a healthy life: getting out in nature, mindfulness/caring for your body, and relationships with others. I showed her many different variations of the cover, and this was her final choice. Simple, easy to read, and striking.
To check out this book on Amazon, click here!
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Thank you so much for all your help! It was truly a joy working with you.

Melissa is well known by her adorable nickname “Honey Bee.” So, I thought it would be fun to put a little surprise bee on one of the app buttons, and on the spine too. They loved it so much, her interior book designer added the bee to every chapter head.

Melissa’s book arrived – first glimpse!