Visual Identity / Marketing & Advertising
Greenlight Traffic Engineering
Two brilliant traffic professionals teamed together to start up their own traffic engineering firm. Today, their team has grown larger, are incredibly successful, and winning countless contracts to improve the streets throughout Arizona safe.
Logo vector
Business cards

Business cards, envelopes, lanyards, proposals, full page ads, shirt embroidery, and more
Provided by Client
They had a fabulous name that everyone loved. We were starting from scratch.
I interviewed them on the phone for about an hour to learn about traffic engineering and hear about why they are so passionate it, why they wanted to create their own firm, and how they serve the community. We uncovered their vision and values as well. They have a big heart for keeping people safe on the road and they liked the idea of the ‘green light’ because it symbolizes the idea of action and movement. They get jobs DONE. No ‘red lights!’
I learned more than I ever wanted to know about how dangerous our roads are. 🙂 Seriously though, the most dangerous place to be is in the intersection. I reviewed many road design plans and was fascinated by the intersection. Corners aren’t hard, they are usually a bit rounded off, fluid. Key words I kept coming back to were:
- warm and friendly
- green light = go / move forward
- green = peace and safety
- yes
- arrive safely
- family
The resulting logo is the actual government color green for traffic lights. I also limited the color palette because they work with government agencies and needed to be trustworthy and serious.
Their website is at: