Visual Identity / Marketing / Social Media
Christina Renee Strategic Counselor
Christina was in need of a logo, facebook profile headers, and business cards.
Hand drawn logo vector
Moo business cards
Social Media Graphics
Health & Wellness

MOO business cards with rounded corners
1 front with 5 different backs

Social Media Header and Side Post for Facebook
I just want to break down and weep!! I am so humbled by your beauty, work, creativity, and belief in me. Want to hug, hug you! Beautiful and overwhelmed and love that you came up with it. You are incredibly encouraging to me. Thank you for reminding me of gifts that God’s given me. I’m so blessed He put you in my life.
Provided by Client
She shared that she likes dandelions and LOVES Kate Spade purses. She leans towards bright, contrasty colors.
We had an amazing facebook video call as she lives in Australia. I asked questions and learned about her passion for helping others surmount their obstacles and forge a positive new life one action at a time. She turns impossible > possible, darkness > light, pain > hope, walls > path. “Intentional thriving in life – not just surviving life.” She is the unlocked of closed doors and rigid mindsets, the polisher of dusty remains, unsticker of the stuck.
I followed the dandelion concept in depth in sketches and concepts, but knew this wasn’t what she needed. It was too light, too fluffy for her very important work in the trenches of people’s souls.
She lives in Australia and I was looking around to get a feel for her country when I stumbled upon the post-wrath healing of the recent wild fires. I remembered hearing this on the news non-stop when it was happening. But oh, so quickly we forget. Well, guess what – nature is THRIVING and rebounding there. I was so moved by the GORGEOUS, vibrant leaves growing out of charrred dead looking trunks. I knew that this was the perfect symbol for Christina’s practice. In life, sometimes our biggest breakthrough is when we’re feeling like everything is in flames and we’re in pain. I hand drew the designs and played with the colors and fonts til it resonated deep in her heart. I can’t say enough about how much I loved working with her. From the fire and passion is her heart for people. From there new growth and possibilities grow in unexpected and vibrant ways.