by happyfish | Jan 10, 2009 | Album Design, Album Design for Studio Portfolios/Samples, Album Design for Weddings
Shaun Saxon of Shaun Saxon Photography wanted to design a Finao ONE album for both his clients and then another one for his own studio sample with different image selections. I believe this was his first Finao ONE album – it is interesting how excited my clients...
by happyfish | Dec 26, 2008 | Design for Marketing, Promotion & Presentation
My client Noah Hawthorne – of Noah Hawthorne Photography – is a renaissance man to say the least. He’s not only a very talented and successful photographer – but he’s also a med student – who also travels the world and is involved...
by happyfish | Dec 26, 2008 | news, Personal
We are so thrilled to introduce you to our new baby boy – Sawyer Kai Dahlquist. He was born on December 17th at 2:26pm. 9 pounds 2.4 oz. 21.5″ long After a 12 hour induction – resulted in an emergency c-section. He was face up with cord around his...
by happyfish | Nov 27, 2008 | news, Personal
As many of you may know, Chad and I are expecting the arrival of our new baby – due date – Christmas Eve. 🙂 Babies of course have their own idea of when they are ready to arrive into the world … At the moment I am wrapping up current album design...
by happyfish | Sep 30, 2008 | Album Design, news
It’s that time of year again! 🙂 I’ll add to this posting for the holiday deadlines for some popular companies when I can. These are deadlines to get your FINAL files in for production to the album companies themselves. Please refer your album customer...