by happyfish | Jun 19, 2009 | Logo Design
Recently I had the pleasure of working with Nicole Tarver of Steve Tarver Photography to come up with a logo for a new kids photography program called ‘Leaps & Bounds.’ Having two young children myself I can attest that they sure do grow faster than...
by happyfish | Mar 10, 2009 | Album Design, Album Design for Studio Portfolios/Samples, Album Design for Weddings
Audra Colpitts of Audra’s Photography in Vancouver, B.C. emailed me this morning to tell me that the Detail Shots album we designed last year is featured on the ISPWP blog! You can see the entire album design and read the full article here. I also didn’t...
by happyfish | Mar 9, 2009 | Logo Design
Nathan Addison of Nathan Addison Photography called me up one day and said “Please help! I absolutely hate my logo!” Or something as enthusiastically to that effect …. He showed me his current logo and I could see right away that what he had did not...
by happyfish | Mar 9, 2009 | Personal
Chad and I love fish – for the long story about why we named our company HappyFish Design in 1997 …. read here …. 😉 Anyway, over a decade ago when we were married in 1999 (wow …. ! time flies) I designed everything and created everything by...
by happyfish | Mar 8, 2009 | Personal
Chad and I are asked ALL THE TIME why on earth did we move from Maui to the mainland…. I was going through some old photos this morning and I came across this shot. This is probably the biggest reason why we so sadly decided to move away from Maui. Cane smoke....