After Beth’s logo was customized, we then worked to create her business cards, website and promo piece.
For her website, I helped her look at various templates online – there are many photography website companies out there that provide either customized templates or modular component drag-drop type websites, along with blog, hosting services etc. Some include Zenfolio, SquareSpace, BluDomain. (If you’re looking for a website provider be sure to read the fine print!!! Some say that they basically retain all of your content so if you move providers…. it’s gone – you need to start over. ;p So be careful! That’s why we like to own and host our own websites for HappyFish and others…. just a side note there. However, for many photographers this is fine, and don’t won’t to worry about the back end issues.) She really wanted a very white, clean, minimalistic website. I set up her website and ported over her copy, picked out and uploaded her photos, set up her contact page, blog, events page option when needed, and placed her her logo. I have fully customized others’ blogs and websites before, this wasn’t so much customizing as it was lending a hand. I’m more than happy to help in any way I’m needed! I love this stuff. Her dream was a way to share her very intimate and inspiring stories of how people have shined through their difficult circumstances, their physical and emotional healing. Instead of calling it a ‘blog’… her’s are called ‘stories.’ She has been very busy but plans to add many more to her website. If you’re in the Virginia Beach area and are looking for a photographer, contact Beth and tell her Karen sent you! She’s a LOVELY person and you’ll adore her heart.
With her website live, she needed business cards. She had in mind one front… and then four different backs with the following themes:
- horses
- dogs
- people
- mix of all of the above
In this way she could hand out a targeted business card to her interested party that suites their interest. She gave me a collection of her favorite images and I pulled the ones that spoke to her photography vision the most. Here they are:
Front with mixed theme backside
Dog, Horse and people themes below
Another pressing need that she had was for a template to be created so that she could use it again and pop in new photos each time on her own. She often does sessions at the local stable for shows, special events etc. We created a clean, fun promo piece that she could simply edit for future events and advertise her services at the venue. It’s an 8×10 piece that she can print out in duplicate herself. Print margins are ample in case she needed to print on her office printer which won’t do full bleed.
HappyFish Design would love to help you with your print or web promotional or marketing needs. Contact us to start the conversation.
graphic design, flyer template, photography, horses, dogs, branding, logo