Aloha Shoyu vs. Kikkoman Soy Sauce

There are many things that we miss about Hawaii – the natural beauty, the trades, the music, the culture, the beach barbecues … and Aloha Shoyu. Until you have lived in Hawaii all you are ever really exposed to is Kikkoman soy sauce. Now that we’ve...

Aztek Custom Wall Coverings

This custom wallcovering by Aztek could offer some interesting possibilities for a studio. The photo above shows an example of photography and type used together in a poster collage theme using limited colors. You can check them out at: Aztek Wallcovering.

Silkscreened t-shirts

The simple cityscapes for which Leora Lutz is known remind me of the old days in high school making silk screens by hand. The bold colors and simple shapes suit themselves well to the t-shirts shown. This slightly rustic, vintage t-shirt feeling could suit itself to...

Virgin getting into healthcare – ‘life care’

When I first saw this I wondered if the guy who owns the record company, the airline, and the ultra exclusive private island in the BVI’s was going to take over the world by offering health insurance too. Their website has recently been expanded on and there is...